Cassie Greenlee has hosted 88 Episodes.
Episode 69: Twelfth Night: Themes
July 1st, 2020 | 1 hr 20 mins
Episode 68: Twelfth Night: Synopsis
June 17th, 2020 | 1 hr 26 mins
Episode 67: Corilanus: Themes and Discussion
June 3rd, 2020 | 1 hr 5 mins
Episode 65: Two Gentlemen of Verona: Themes and Discussion
May 6th, 2020 | 57 mins 50 secs
Episode 64: Two Gentlemen of Verona
April 22nd, 2020 | 1 hr 29 mins
Two Gentlemen enter. Some number of Gentlemen leave.
Episode 63: Henry VIII: Themes and Discussion
April 8th, 2020 | 57 mins 2 secs
We zero in on the last of the Henrys, and why this one didn't land like its predecessors did.
Episode 62: Henry VIII
March 25th, 2020 | 1 hr 31 mins
Ok, this is it, the last of the Henrys. Will this be a true return to form, or is this a show that once again misses the point?
Episode 61: All's Well That Ends Well: A Problem Play
March 11th, 2020 | 1 hr 19 mins
Ryan, Chase, Beth and Cassie keep talking about
Episode 60: All's Well That Ends Well: Overview
February 26th, 2020 | 1 hr 17 mins
A show you've heard of, but should never see.
Episode 59: King Lear: Themes and Characters
February 12th, 2020 | 1 hr 11 mins
characters, king lear, lear
Back in the ring with King Lear, and how it has endured despite its downfalls.